Friday, 13 September 2019

Growth Coaching Course - Facilitator: Deanna Johnston

This was a two day programme. 
During these two days I:

  • was introduced to the GROWTH coaching system;
  • explored the GROWTH model;
  • applied some of the 8 key coaching skills;
  • gained an understanding of the Coaching "Ways of Being" for coaching conversations;
  • saw modelled and applied the GROWTH coaching model to a range of conversations;
  • developed next steps for taking coaching forward in my kura
GROWTH model:
G - Goals
R - Reality
O - Options
W - Will
T - Tactics
H - Habits

Good coaching conversations lead to...
A - Actions
C - Clarity
E - Energy

8 Key Coaching Skills:
1. Developing trust
2. Being present
3. Listen actively
4. Clarifying
5. Empathising
6. Being succinct
7. Asking the best questions
8. Giving feedback

Let those "white spaces" (silence) rest - it allows the coachee to process their thoughts. 
A major component is your emotional intelligence and "way of being".

Coaching is achieving goals:
  • Where are you today?
  • How will you get there?
  • Where are you going?
Existing goals → Motivation/Strengths/Environment→Desired State "Future Perfect"

Coaching is about:
  • seeing talent (strengths, potential) in everyone; solution-focused vs focusing on problems;
  • expanding people's frames of reference vs allowing them to remain fixed (deficit theorising);
  • seeing new possibilities vs setting tasks;
  • asking (developing) vs telling;
  • working WITH difference vs trying to change people;
  • giving honest, constructive feedback vs feeling frustrated by avoiding the 'real' conversations.
Effective Listening
Active Listening Attitudes
  • being "present" mindset
  • avoid 'me too';
  • remember that you think faster than peole can speak;
  • listening for content and feelings.
Active Listening Behaviours:
  • eye contact (appropriate);
  • open posture;
  • minimal encouragers;
  • probing/clarifying questions or responses.
Have a go - Problem Talk
  • Tell me about one of your small work challenges at the moment;
  • Why is this such a problem?
  • What are the worst emotions you have around this?
  • what are the road bumps to progress here?
Have a go - Solution Talk
  • tell me about what you'd like to achieve in relation to this?
  • if this was working well, what would be happening?
  • can you think of a time when you handled this situation successfully?
  • what would others notice you doing if you were managing this challenge?
  • if you could take just one single action to move this forward, what would it be?

Concerned-based feedback reminders:
  • talk with people not at them;
  • the more emotionally loaded the subject, the more silence is required;
  • use silence to slow down a conversation so that you can discover what the conversation really wants to be about.

I would thoroughly recommend this course to anyone wanting to help and support colleagues.
My future perfect would be our entire teaching staff to attend this PD so we have a shared understanding and knowledge in order to be on the same waka.

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