Friday, 29 March 2019

DFI, Day 5

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

Building a cybersmart learner is a whole school focus. It is imperative to use the correct terminology. Use cyberSMART rather than cybersafe or cyberbullying - these terms have a negative connotation.
By being cybersmart, we are empowering our learners as connected and confident decision makers. When taught in a positive light, digital citizenship introduces students to the wealth of opportunities afforded to them via technology. It helps them navigate effectively through the digital world resulting in healthy interactions, a positive digital presence and increased learning opportunities. Being cybersmart empowers learners to connect, when their learning is visible and ubiquitous. It empowers our young people to engage in online behaviour and thinking that elevates positive actions.
Learners are made aware that whenever we share online - it’s visible to the world, therefore it’s personal. They need to take care with their digital footprint.

At the very beginning, all classes create a Kawa of Care - an agreement between students, whānau and schools to ensure the best care and responsibility of the device is exercised during each student’s time in the Manaiakalani Programme. This also creates a partnership with whānau (blogs connect their child's learning with family too).
Cybersmart needs to be explicitly taught to learners - embedding it into your teaching practice for ½ hr a week is time well spent.
Everything we do online creates a digital footprint. A great motto to use is 'Make kindess go viral'.
To read the Manaiakalani Cybersmart curriculum click here.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

Using Hapara Dashboard (effectively!):
  • Dashboard - 1 item (on right hand side). This allows you to view as many items as you wish.
  • G mail - you can check their emails (this has now be enabled).
  • Sharing - shows all the learner's work that is not in a folder. Make sure they tidy it up e.g. don’t go to morning tea till it’s cleared. It's important learners keep everything in order and easy to find right from the get-go.
  • Bolded writing is the tab they are on right now.
  • Select - Class info, select names, copy emails into your email you want to send.
Avoid using the BYOD acronym (Bring Your Own Disaster). Instead, use the term "1 to 1", or "chromebook classes". When students bring any device from home, it does not show on Hapara Dashboard. By everyone having the same chromebook, we create an even platform for learning.

Digital dig should be done at the beginning of every year (by students and teachers!). Great tips and shortcuts.

iPads - Explain Everything is what Manaiakalani use. Research showed iPads were the best because of ease of management. Learners should have the 9.7 inch screen. Anything smaller and the screen size is too small.

To embed MP4s, click on 3 dots, click on ‘open a new window’, click on 3 dots again, click on embed.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

The digital dig is a great set of slides that teaches learners keyboard shortcuts and handy tips useful when using a chromebook. It's a great idea to do this at the beginning of every year to refresh their memory. 

Screencastify allows learners to record their learning and embed the recording wherever they want it to be. This can be used in so many ways!

Five year olds are able to use iPads in so many ways to engage and reinforce learning. This is just one way of retelling a story:

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

The digital dig is fantastic - it will increase my confidence and workflow in all areas of my life. 
Gaining the knowledge about Manaiakalani Cybersmart Curriculum now empowers me to better inform parents who are concerned about their students learning online. These conversations are often popping up in my personal life outside of school. I now feel more confident in my repsonses to them.
Seeing what five year olds can do on an iPad is incredible. It's exciting to see what the future holds.


  1. Allie, I'm really enjoying reading your reflections each week. It's great that as your knowledge grows, so does your confidence in speaking about Manaiakalani. You're empowered - And that is a great feeling! A feeling we also want our learners to feel.
    I liked your comment in your screencastify about how your digital footprint is an advertisement for yourself. Perhaps you could add a link to that particular CyberSmart lesson that you were displaying also.
    Are you able to change the sharing settings on the second item you've embedded in this blogpost also? It's saying I do not have permission to view.
    See you next week.

    1. Thanks Stef - your input each week is valued (more than you realise I think!). I already had a link to my screencastify on the last sentence of that section - does that not work either?😧 I have changed my sharing setting on the second item - please let me know if I have been successful!

    2. Thank Allie :)
      Yes it's visible now! Great work.

  2. Kia ora Allie, Great to see you hyperlinking and embedding videos. So much digital fluency being evidenced! I love the way your learning is rewindable such as the notes on Hapara Teacher Dashboard.

    Ngā mihi,

  3. Kia ora Allie, I really enjoyed reading your blog and in particular your inventory learnings and links to very practical material link the shortcut keys. Your insights and the way you are applying your DFI learning each week in your classroom makes for a really interesting read. See you tomorrow. Jo
