Friday, 22 March 2019


DFI Day 4

As-salāmu 'alaykum

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

The SHARE component is an important part of the model. We need to think - how can we link the SHARE part with our learning goals and raise student outcomes?
  • Ensure learning is rewindable - anytime, anywhere, anyone.
  • Ensure students are writing for an authentic audience/sharing for a purpose - blogs have a wider audience rather than writing in a book.

Sharing isn’t the end - we need to ask for feedback and then improve on what we have done. Kids who don’t finish - share it anyway - then the feedback might encourage them to finish their work!

Another idea - students blog 3 ideas on how to start their story then ask for feedback - they have already engaged your audience.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
  • Embedding onto my blog (again!...rewinadable learning...actually this one needs to be on a loop!)
  • Google forms - I have recreated a pdf self-assessment into a google form including a variety of responses (multi-choice, short answer etc). This will make it so much easier to analyse their answers.
  • My Maps - I've used this before with my students but they were so much more proficient than me! They had to take us on a tour of the world, visit 3 continents, choose a city in each and take us to a tourist site, historical site and religious site. They also had to include our accomodation etc and present a flight plan. The students presented it using google slides. They were phenominal! My map below pales in comparison, but to be fair, they had a lot more time than me!
Gisborne Cohort 1's dream holiday destinations
  • Google sheets - thanks to Mele's tutorial on her blog (Mele - an elite teacher) I was able to create this graph from a google sheet.
I'm in the process of putting my student data onto a google sheet then highlighting the different levels. I will admit, I wasn't  fan of google sheets but am now a convert!

What did I learn that could be used with my learners? 

With google forms they will be able to create their own questionnaires for statistics, collate the answers in a google sheet and create a graph. This information can then be shared on their blog, with a screencastify of how they did it or maybe an analysis of their results comparing information gathered. Just one example but there are many more!

My Maps could also be used for them to show images/driving time etc between holiday destinations, dream holidays etc. 
What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

All of these tips are streamlining my professional workflow and making me feel more organised and confident. When I get my drive under control, I think it will declutter my brain as well. I was given some very bad advice when I first set up my drive when I was told, "You don't need folders - just search what you need and a list will come up." Arrrggghhhhh! I'm actually embarrassed when the Manaiakalani tutors say "Bring up your drive" 🙈
My own children are impressed with my knowledge, thankful I'm not asking them so many "How do I...?" questions and I think a little bit mortified that I have my own YouTube channel!!


  1. HI Allie, I'm loving seeing your journey across the weeks. It sounds like you're planning a great series of lessons with your plan to use forms for questionnaires to get statistics to analyse. A great way to integrate different areas of the curriculum too. I look forward to seeing the charts that they create and analyse.


  2. Hi Allie I really appreciated your reflection on share as a way to motivate kids who don't always finish. I can see a drive under control on the horizon.
